Our Story
Hello The Add Ons Fam!
Here is a little bit of a founding story for THE ADD ONS. We founded it in October 2021 after having the idea brewing in us for a long time. It was not until we felt the compelling pushing that was only surely from God that we really set out on this journey. God has done an amazing work in us that even we cannot explain and it is only through His perfect timing that everything came to be what THE ADD ONS is today.
We would FaceTime each other to pray. Emma, our youngest sister was the one who came up with the idea to start it and we cracked our heads and decided to name it THE ADD ONS! Shu Yi, our eldest sister had always been the most creative amongst the siblings (whereas Emma is not very talented in art) and that was how we decided to start by making keychains that was inspired by scripture to serve not only as a reminder but hopefully a conversation piece to share the Gospel.
THE ADD ONS is a 2 girl/women show and it is our deepest hearts’ desire that our items will bring His love, comfort and hope to all who holds it. We believe that these items, although small will bring a big impact as it reflect who He is - the way, the truth, and the life.

Meet The Founder, Emma
Hello, I’m Emma!
In January 2021, my cell group leader encouraged us to write a letter from God to me. I didn’t think much about it but months went by and slowly but surely His promises came true.
All but one item which was God will use me to do mighty works to glorify His name by the end of 2021. So I prayed and asked God to lead me in whatever ways He had planned.
In October 2021 amazingly, a revelation came to me to share and spread His Word through art. It felt weird since I was and still am not a very artistic person and so doubt started to creep in.
But God led me to talk to my eldest sister, Shu Yi about it and little did the both of us know that God had prepared us both because Shu Yi had also started hand lettering Bible verses.
So we prayed about it and decided to start The Add Ons, fully trusting and relying on Him. His timing is perfect and so are His plans.
We still don’t know where The Add Ons is heading to but we choose to believe and trust His promises. To God be the glory forever and ever!
Emma, @theemmachew